Lawrence Weill Tour Sign Up (thriller)

Tomorrow Comes Media invites you to Blackwyrm Publishing author Lawrence Weill’s Virtual Tour from May 6 to June 5, 2013!

Book synopsis, author bio, links, excerpt, and tour sign up form included below!

Genre: Thriller

Incarnate Cover-smallerAbout Incarnate:
What should a woman do if she believes she is the mother of the second coming of Christ? This is the problem Lara Joyner faces when she comes to believe, through her visions, through the look on his face, through her cards, and through the thousands of hidden signs she sees in nature, that her son is Christ incarnate.

Incarnate is driven by this woman’s character and readers struggle between wanting to sympathize and knowing she is deeply troubled. In the end, we discover how her delusion turns many worlds upside down, as well as how faith overpowers reason. The story follows Lara and her two sons as she pushes Dale to perform miracles and save humanity. Although obviously unable to do so, he goes through the motions to protect his little brother Louis. Told alternately from Lara’s perspective (in the present tense) and from the other principles in the story, the plot follows the trials brought on by Lara’s spiraling madness, her husband’s desperate search for his family, and the children’s bewilderment and fear.


IMG_1033About Lawrence Weill:
Lawrence Weill is an author and artist in western Kentucky. In addition to novels, he writes short fiction, non-fiction articles and books, and poetry. His work has appeared in a wide range of local, regional, and national journals. He and his wife live in the woods overlooking a beaver pond. Please visit his website:


Social Media for Lawrence Weill



Excerpt From Incarnate:

Lara knows God’s voice. It echoes now in the thunder that jolts the night. Who can deny the authority in His command? Lara knows His voice, and she knows what He demands of her, His blessed vessel. It is time. She feels her way into the darkness through the doorway, her path now lit by the shadowless light of a quick flash of lightning. A deep boom that makes the old house shudder, and Lara jump, follows the light. The room is black again now, except for the meager glow from a lamp at the far end of the hallway. Torrents of rain pelt against the window and across the outside of the house. She crosses to the bed, reaches down, and puts her hand over Louis’ mouth and he awakes with a start. In the near dark, she can’t tell if his eyes hold a question or fear. It’s just the storm that scares him. Another blue-white double flash brightens the room, followed again by a deafening report. Louis jumps and twists his head towards the window. He must have been asleep. How a five year old can be sleeping in the face of God’s wrath is beyond her. When he looks back, she recognizes the fear on his face.


Now that you know about Incarnate and Lawrence Weill, we invite you to join his virtual tour!  Just fill out the form below: